Thursday, January 30, 2014

Points of Information

Today was another full day of debate, from 9 - 5 we were in our committees going over more resolutions. But before heading into the conference, a few of us went across the street with Ms. Vardi  to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The trials are open to the public so anyone can sit in, but you have to be at least 16 in order to get in. Those of us who were old enough to enter the trial and not preoccupied with debating their own resolutions decided to meet at the court building to see some of the trial early in the morning. After breakfast we collected our stuff and headed down to the THIMUN building to inform our chairs that some of us would be absent from our committees for a little while. At 9 Arman, Adam, Kyah, Johnathan, and myself meet Ms. Vardi outside the court building. Security for this trial was tight, we had to go through two different security checks, lock up all our electronics, and use our passports as id. The court room was not like the traditional court room; we, as visitors, sat behind a glass wall and used headsets so we could listen to the translations of the trial. It was very interesting to see the judiciary process firsthand. We stayed and watched the witness get questioned by the prosecutor for a little less than an hour before we all decided to leave and head back to the THIMUN building. From then on it was business as usual as all committees tried to get through as many resolutions as possible. 

At 5 we were all let out and made our own way back to the hotel to relax for a little while. Ms. Vardi gave the seniors some time to themselves so at 6:30 we took a tram downtown to Chinatown where we ate Chinese with some other MUNers and an old friend of Jon's. The rest of the group ate somewhere else and shopped around town. By 10 we were all back in our rooms ready to wind down and get some needed rest.


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