Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Culture and Ice Skating in Amsterdam

Something about today is unusual. For the first time since our arrival the sun smiles through my hotel room window, bathing the interior in a pleasant glow. After the routine wake up call at approximately 6:30 am my fellow delegates and I stumble, in a sleep walking fashion, to the main building where breakfast is served. It is 7:30. Among us sit other delegates from a French school also attending THIMUN. The vibrant energy of diversity and internationalism is present even before the start of today’s conference. The breakfast is continental and a perfect way to start the day. Delicious eggs, bread and various assortments of cheese and meats as well as the options of yogurt and cereal bring life into the sleepy faces of many.

After strengthening ourselves for the busy and tiring day ahead we, in split groups, walk over to the Conference enter (World Forum), a grey slab of concrete in the middle of The Hague, which reminds one of a museum, with its high white ceilings and vast walkways. The walk over to the building is a mere ten minutes, but with the chilly wind whipping you from all sides and the cold of the air stinging your face, it seems endless. When we finally arrive at the conference center we disperse from our fellow Bullis delegates, wish our good-lucks, say our good-byes and throw ourselves into the bustle around us. The masses of people around us are like the waves of an ocean while we are the ships. We are thrown left and right until we finally make it to our selected conference rooms. I sit down and look at my watch. 9 o’clock. The chair declares the second day of THIMUN as open. Doors close, silence settles like a veil, oppressing the noise of the students, and the rooms focus shifts on the tasks at hand and the chair at the front of the room. A professional display of young individuals, intellectuals to creatives, coming together to solve issues that affect the world around us and especially Africa. The second day has officially started…

Around three hours later we are sitting on a bus in front of the conference center. The destination: Amsterdam. From the city of finance of politics to Holland’s capital, the Venice of the North offers a vibrant culture, rich history and beautiful architecture. This is what the trip is about: Spontaneity and adventure. Life. Upon our arrival the group heads to the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam’s famous museum on Dutch art history located in central Amsterdam in close proximity to the Museum Square. In the building’s foyer we were greeted by a very pleasant tour guide who led us through the recently refurbished building. The architectural contrast between old and new, between 19th and 21st century stone is jaw dropping and beautiful. Just like my fellow delegates, I had a difficult time deciding what was more beautiful: the facades of the building or the masterpieces displayed on the walls by renowned artists such as Rembrandt and Johannes Vermeer. After roaming the museum until around 5:30 we leave the building behind us to still our growling stomachs.

We enter a classy French dining establishment with the name of Le Rendez Vous. The food was exquisite. We feasted like royals on fine foods such as pea soup, beef steak and last but not least vanilla cake. The service was top, the atmosphere cozy and (as mentioned) the food grand. The dinner at Le Rendez Vous once again proved to us that in terms of choosing dining options, Ms. Vardi is without competition.

Lastly, we topped off an unbeatable day with a round of ice-skating. From novices (myself) who had not been on skates for years to semi professional skaters, those that participated from Bullis had an abundance of fun. Today was certainly a highlight of the trip so far, but most certainly not its last. Tomorrow is a big day. Like many of us, I am going over the resolution that our committee passed and thus need as much sleep I can get to perform at my peak. On that note…

Goedenacht, Gute Nacht, Bonne Nuit, Buenas Noches, Wānān!


1 comment:

  1. Love the photos! You must all be having a blast!
