Thursday, January 30, 2014

Points of Information

Today was another full day of debate, from 9 - 5 we were in our committees going over more resolutions. But before heading into the conference, a few of us went across the street with Ms. Vardi  to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. The trials are open to the public so anyone can sit in, but you have to be at least 16 in order to get in. Those of us who were old enough to enter the trial and not preoccupied with debating their own resolutions decided to meet at the court building to see some of the trial early in the morning. After breakfast we collected our stuff and headed down to the THIMUN building to inform our chairs that some of us would be absent from our committees for a little while. At 9 Arman, Adam, Kyah, Johnathan, and myself meet Ms. Vardi outside the court building. Security for this trial was tight, we had to go through two different security checks, lock up all our electronics, and use our passports as id. The court room was not like the traditional court room; we, as visitors, sat behind a glass wall and used headsets so we could listen to the translations of the trial. It was very interesting to see the judiciary process firsthand. We stayed and watched the witness get questioned by the prosecutor for a little less than an hour before we all decided to leave and head back to the THIMUN building. From then on it was business as usual as all committees tried to get through as many resolutions as possible. 

At 5 we were all let out and made our own way back to the hotel to relax for a little while. Ms. Vardi gave the seniors some time to themselves so at 6:30 we took a tram downtown to Chinatown where we ate Chinese with some other MUNers and an old friend of Jon's. The rest of the group ate somewhere else and shopped around town. By 10 we were all back in our rooms ready to wind down and get some needed rest.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Culture and Ice Skating in Amsterdam

Something about today is unusual. For the first time since our arrival the sun smiles through my hotel room window, bathing the interior in a pleasant glow. After the routine wake up call at approximately 6:30 am my fellow delegates and I stumble, in a sleep walking fashion, to the main building where breakfast is served. It is 7:30. Among us sit other delegates from a French school also attending THIMUN. The vibrant energy of diversity and internationalism is present even before the start of today’s conference. The breakfast is continental and a perfect way to start the day. Delicious eggs, bread and various assortments of cheese and meats as well as the options of yogurt and cereal bring life into the sleepy faces of many.

After strengthening ourselves for the busy and tiring day ahead we, in split groups, walk over to the Conference enter (World Forum), a grey slab of concrete in the middle of The Hague, which reminds one of a museum, with its high white ceilings and vast walkways. The walk over to the building is a mere ten minutes, but with the chilly wind whipping you from all sides and the cold of the air stinging your face, it seems endless. When we finally arrive at the conference center we disperse from our fellow Bullis delegates, wish our good-lucks, say our good-byes and throw ourselves into the bustle around us. The masses of people around us are like the waves of an ocean while we are the ships. We are thrown left and right until we finally make it to our selected conference rooms. I sit down and look at my watch. 9 o’clock. The chair declares the second day of THIMUN as open. Doors close, silence settles like a veil, oppressing the noise of the students, and the rooms focus shifts on the tasks at hand and the chair at the front of the room. A professional display of young individuals, intellectuals to creatives, coming together to solve issues that affect the world around us and especially Africa. The second day has officially started…

Around three hours later we are sitting on a bus in front of the conference center. The destination: Amsterdam. From the city of finance of politics to Holland’s capital, the Venice of the North offers a vibrant culture, rich history and beautiful architecture. This is what the trip is about: Spontaneity and adventure. Life. Upon our arrival the group heads to the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam’s famous museum on Dutch art history located in central Amsterdam in close proximity to the Museum Square. In the building’s foyer we were greeted by a very pleasant tour guide who led us through the recently refurbished building. The architectural contrast between old and new, between 19th and 21st century stone is jaw dropping and beautiful. Just like my fellow delegates, I had a difficult time deciding what was more beautiful: the facades of the building or the masterpieces displayed on the walls by renowned artists such as Rembrandt and Johannes Vermeer. After roaming the museum until around 5:30 we leave the building behind us to still our growling stomachs.

We enter a classy French dining establishment with the name of Le Rendez Vous. The food was exquisite. We feasted like royals on fine foods such as pea soup, beef steak and last but not least vanilla cake. The service was top, the atmosphere cozy and (as mentioned) the food grand. The dinner at Le Rendez Vous once again proved to us that in terms of choosing dining options, Ms. Vardi is without competition.

Lastly, we topped off an unbeatable day with a round of ice-skating. From novices (myself) who had not been on skates for years to semi professional skaters, those that participated from Bullis had an abundance of fun. Today was certainly a highlight of the trip so far, but most certainly not its last. Tomorrow is a big day. Like many of us, I am going over the resolution that our committee passed and thus need as much sleep I can get to perform at my peak. On that note…

Goedenacht, Gute Nacht, Bonne Nuit, Buenas Noches, Wānān!


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Resolutions, Amendments and Debates

Like yesterday, today we ate breakfast at 7:30 then headed to the conference at 8:30. Although today was the second day of the conference, we were all presented with a lot of new material and procedures. Yesterday we only lobbied and talked to other delegates while pitching our ideas and creating joint resolutions based on the topics we studied beforehand. Today, however, we finally began debating the resolutions we made yesterday.

Before actually debating these resolutions however, select nations gave opening speeches to their committees. A few of our own students gave speeches at this time, including Jon Laetch, Sabrina Snowberger, Adam Cohen, and I. These speeches allowed us to give all the other delegates an idea of our position on the topics up for debate as well as a brief background on our countries or organization.

After the opening speeches were finished, we began debating the resolutions we created yesterday. While the resolution my group submitted yesterday was not discussed today, I did get to see the progress other working groups made on the other topics. It was interesting to see how divided the committee was on certain topics and to watch and participate in their arguments in favor or against the resolutions at hand. We debated from 1:00 to 5:00 and only finished one resolution and started on another, so a single resolution can evoke a lot of debate.
Max delivers an argument in favor of a resolution
For dinner we were allowed to choose a spot for dinner on a boulevard near our hotel. Ian, Jon, Arman, Adam, and I decided to go out for pizza and took it back to my room and ate there before going on to our next activity. This evening, there was a screening of a documentary called Sweet Dreams. It was a documentary tied in with the goal of the conference: to improve the current conditions on the African continent. The documentary was about a group of Rwandan women who formed a drumming group to help lighten the hearts of those involved in the genocide. The director of the documentary followed the journey of these women who worked with the owners of an ice cream shop in New York City to start a co-op and open their own ice cream shop in their Rwandan town, something they had never had before. They provided the women with training and equipment to allow them to independently run the shop, as well as open up many other new opportunities for them. The documentary showed the growth of these women and their impact on their community, all while depicting the horrific lasting effects of the tragedy that occurred in 1994.

The day was an extremely productive and we all learned a lot, whether from our committee sessions or the movie afterwards, and I know we are all looking forward to touring Amsterdam tomorrow.

- Kendall

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day one of the Conference

Another great and well spent day in The Hague. Today was the first day of actual Model UN meetings. We met our fellow delegates that we will discuss with over the next four days. As you may know, the topic for the conference as a whole is Africa; there were many intense discussions in which all of our delegates brought some sort of insight to the table. Although we were not all in the same room, there were many great stories about their first day’s work. Our delegates met people from all walks of the world (98 countries). This is a fantastic experience as you meet people that have never seen snow or taken public transportation. It really shows that you take what you have seen for granted and that not everyone has had the same experiences as yourself. The delegates may live completely different lives but they all share one common goal, solving world problems.

Opening ceremonies were a really jaw dropping experience. We heard great speeches from the people that had done the same as us but in the real UN. These speeches were read by truly inspiring people who had won various awards for their good work including the Nobel Peace Prize. It was really awesome to watch the ambassadors hand their countries’ flag to the head delegate from each nation (for us it was Adam). We were lucky as Adam was on T.V. for almost the entire time.

Once our exiting but tiring day drew to a close we took a quick bus ride to a fantastic restaurant on the edge or the North Sea. Although it was colder along the water, it did not dampen our spirits and we enjoyed a hearty meal. This was when the group really bonded and shared some interesting stories that had happened to them earlier in the day. We then took a walk along the water’s edge and enjoyed the scenery.

Good morning, good afternoon, and goodnight from the Netherlands
-Max and Jack

I spy with my little eye... Bullis students engaged in rich debate at THIMUN. Can you find them in the pictures below?

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Touring, eating and birthdays

Peace Palace
Our first full day in The Hague was very exciting. We woke up at about 7:30 a.m. (which is 1:30 a.m. in the United States). We had a delicious traditional Dutch breakfast in our hotel which consisted of bread, cheeses and meats with fruit juices and coffee. After eating, we proceeded to walk to the World Forum building, where the THIMUN conference is held, and we met our tour guide. He led us all around The Hague. He showed us the city hall, a church, and a palace where important political figures stay when they visit The Hague. We learned about past monarchs of the country. We continued walking around The Hague. We passed a fish stand and tried haring (herring to us). It was great! We saw the Parliament buildings and learned about each of their functions. We saw the International Court of Justice, but were not allowed to go inside, since they are preparing for an upcoming case. Instead of going inside, we completed an interesting interactive walk-through activity using headphones.

Bullet holes for the assassination
of William of Orange
After spending some time in the Hague, we went to a small city called Delft. We started with eating lunch at restaurant that specialized in delicious thin pancakes similar to crepes. You could choose to get sweet or savory toppings on them, such as fruit or meat. Following our yummy lunch, we did some touristy shopping for a few minutes. We saw the state house and the Old Church, which was beautiful. Near a gorgeous canal and surrounding side streets was the New Church, which was leaning to the side due to some architectural and engineering mistakes. As a last stop, we visited the William of Orange museum and learned about his achievements in life. We saw the spot where he was assassinated and learned about how and why he was assassinated.

At the conclusion of our day of touring, we returned to The Hague and had a bit of free time in the hotel. Before departing for dinner, we discussed the upcoming THIMUN conference and the resolutions we have prepared... then celebrated Gavin and Arman's birthday with singing and cake! We went for dinner in the city center and split into smaller groups for our meals. It was cold and rainy but we had a great time. We're all ready for another amazing day in The Hague and we're excited for the conference tomorrow!!!
(Nina & Sabrina S.)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hello from the Hague!

Hello from The Hague! We hebben het gehaald! After a long day of travel, everyone arrived safe and happy at our hotel in The Hague. Our day began with goodbyes at 2:30 outside of North Hall as everyone boarded the bus bound for Dulles. We were fortunate enough to have a pretty empty flight to Amsterdam, giving many people the opportunity to have a whole row of seats to themselves. Jon and Ms. Darling really took advantage of the open seats by sneakily moving up to Economy Plus seating. Our 6 and half hour flight flew by (no pun intended) and before we knew it we were landing at the Amsterdam airport. After passing through customs we were greeted by high school students bearing THIMUN signs. They unfortunately told us that we would have to wait 3 hours for our bus to The Hague to arrive (our flight did arrive almost an hour ahead of schedule!), but we made the most of our time at the mall-like airport. We spent the time walking around, going into shops, and eating breakfast. Also, Gavin, Maximillian, and Adam decided to film a brief interview with a THIMUN student official to include in the video chronicling our trip. We learned from him how the conference is completely run by high school students and how much work goes into ensuring that things run smoothly. With all of these activities to keep us occupied, the 3 hours of waiting went by very quickly

The bus ride to The Hague allowed us to meet some other delegates attending the conference since we shared the bus with a school from Istanbul. Finally, after a long day of travel, we pulled up to our hotel. Everyone took a well-earned break for a couple hours to unpack and relax in their rooms before we hit the road again for shopping and dinner at a delicious pizza place. Finally, we wrapped up the night with a trip to the supermarket to pick up any supplies or food that may be needed while we’re here. Everyone is tired and is certainly going to sleep well tonight, but we’re excited to explore The Hague and Delft tomorrow!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Preparing for Departure

The sixteen students taking part in the Model UN trip to The Hague have more to think about than what to pack in their bags. At the conference, twelve students will represent the country of Norway on eight committees and four students will represent the International Monetary Fund on three committees. To prepare, they have conducted in-depth research to identify relevant economic and political background on their assigned delegations and are now working on policy statements which will clearly explain their country/organization's stance on topics to be discussed in committee. To assist their work, we traveled to the Norwegian Embassy last Friday where Mr. Lars Henie, Minister Counselor, Economic Affairs, briefed our delegation. We hope our IMF delegates will also receive a similar briefing before we leave for The Hague. These briefings allow students to ask questions on their committee topics and also help identify "friendly" countries to seek out and partner with at the conference. To learn more about the conference, check out: